Following in the proud tradition of theVX-1 and VX-2R; the Yaesu VX-3Rmicrominiature 2 meter/440 MHz handheld has extensive receive frequency coverage, providing local-area two-way amateur communications along with unmatched monitoring capability. The VX-3R receives: 500 – 1800 kHz (AM Band), 1.8 – 30 MHz (Shortwave), 30 – 76 MHz (VHF Lowband with 6M), 76 – 108 MHz (FM band), 108 – 137 MHz (Air Band), 137 – 174 MHz (VHF High band with 2M), 174 – 222 MHz, 222 – 420 MHz (VHF band with 220), 420 – 470 MHz (440), 470 – 800 MHz and 800 – 999 MHz (800 band [cellular blocked]). It is the world’s smallest HT with 1.5/1.0 watt output on 2M/440.
Its incredible size allows you to take it anywhere. Receive range is: 500 kHz to 999 MHz (less cellular). This means you can hear the AM, shortwave and FM broadcast bands, aircraft and public service channels. CTCSS/DCS with split tone capability is built in. You get a huge 1000 channel memory system.
Power output is with the supplied 1 amp hour Lithium Ion battery 1.5 watts VHF and 1 watt UHF. With the optional E-DC-21 DC adapter output jumps to 3 watts and 2 watts! The VX-3R comes with the FNB-82LI lithium ion battery, NC-85B wall charger and YHA-66 SMA flexible antenna.
1000 Alpha Memories
CTCSS/DCS Encode/Decode
AM Band Bar Antenna
WIRES™-II Internet Key
Wideband Receive
ARTS-Automatic In-Range Transponder
Designated FM Stereo Earphone Jack
CW Training Feature